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Relationship Coaching

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“Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe” ~ Marie Williams.

It is said that we as humans thrive when we have a good sense of belonging, when we feel seen and loved and validated be it within a romantic relationship, a parent-child relationship, within social circles or in professional relationships. We all want happy relationships because there is a special kind of joy that brings peace to the soul when all is well within our relationships. Sometimes a lack of understanding, a breakdown in communication within friendships or simply irreconcilable differences within marriages and relationships cause us to suffer separation, isolation, grief and loss.

Our different styles of attachment may define how we make decisions and choices within our relationships.   Our own lack of self-awareness may find us wanting to detach, leave our partner / marriage,  isolate ourselves and feel unworthy of love and attention.

These emotions can cause immense pain and despair, depression, emptiness, loneliness, mental illness and loss of hope.

There is always a resolve to be found.  We have choices and options.  It is all about us first connecting with ourselves before we can form good and healthy relationships with others.

As an experienced relationship coach, I show you how to look inwards to identify your triggers and stressors; allowing you to discover your thoughts and behaviors and how these impact your relationships.  This level of self-awareness allows you to understand yourself better and improve your outlook, shortcomings, misunderstandings and interpersonal communication style so that you may enjoy healthy and happy relationships.

My relationship coaching session allows you to gain clarity on why your relationship is in its current state and what you can do to fix it. Basically, it involves:

  • A discussion about your current relationship challenges
  • Identifying the causes and triggers
  • Enabling you to reach a state of awareness and equipping you with the resources you need to improve
  • Enabling you to become the best version of yourself to be the best partner for your spouse, parent to your child, friend and colleague to others
  • Evaluating where you are in the relationship and where you want to be
  • Teaching relationship strategies, including communication and understanding techniques, to help you resolve conflicts better and live happily as a couple
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