So many of us live a mundane life; the same old drudgery day in and day out, like groundhog’s day. We may have chosen a career that made ends meet? Or thought at the time it was a good income generator? Or under the influence of parents or a partner, took up a profession that no longer excites or serves us? Many people want to advance their careers and be the best they can be in their chosen field or do something completely different, but something holds them back.
There are many people also leading successful careers but are yet to find genuine happiness and fulfillment. Sounds paradoxical, doesn’t it?
These people may be recognized as experts in their field and are renowned in their industry. However, they wish they were doing something else, following their passions and living an incredibly happy life.
Quite often it is fear of failure or a fear of success or rejection that are the blocks that stop us from moving forward and holding us back from pursuing our dreams. We are habitual by nature and so it feels safer or more comfortable to stick to what we know. We would rather be uncomfortable in our comfort zone than face uncertainty.
If you are stuck in these situations and you are afraid to get out because of the fear of the future or trying something new, I'm here to help. I believe true happiness comes from finding your magic and then giving it away. What if you could wake up everyday and look forward to doing what you love rather than having to show up in a job because the bills have to be paid. This is truly a magical way to live. For this reason, I offer intensive career counseling and coaching for those looking to thrive and achieve a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in doing what they love and loving what they do in a professional capacity.
In my career coaching and counseling session, you will: