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Create The Life You Love

The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create it
~ Abraham Lincoln ~

What would you do or achieve in this lifetime, if you knew you could not fail?

Imagine… Become curious… Tweak your daily habits and let’s design a more exciting, meaningful and fulfilling life for you.

Mastering your mind is key to masterminding your life and my job as your Life-Coach is to empower you to figure out how to adopt the most useful mindset to achieve your goals, along with the right strategies, self-agency and routines to reach your goals as swiftly as possible.

You already have all the resources within you to live your best life, let me show you how.

The outcomes of coaching can be life-changing and your future self will thank you for it!

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Why Have A Coach?

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“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval” – Mark Twain

Magic happens when you believe in yourself! we’ll work together to explore and uncover the connection between your subconscious mind and your current behavior.

Goal Setting

“The Goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self” – The Dalai Lama

If you feel stuck and are unable to take that all important first step in goal setting to serve your highest and best self then let’s talk.

What Is Your Purpose?

“FIND YOUR PURPOSE. The means will follow” – Mahatma Gandhi

Do you know your purpose? If you do, does it feel unattainable because the “HOW” keeps your purpose out of reach? Let’s explore the “WHY” of your purpose.

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Tweens & Teens

“Children are our greatest treasure.  They are our future” - Nelson Mandela

This is a crucial time in a young person’s life to feel seen and understood. Let’s help you gain insight into your way of thinking and being and set realistic and achievable goals.

Boundary Setting

Ditch the disease to Please!

Do you find yourself over-reaching to please others or seek their validation? Learn how to set boundaries – you’ll never look back..

Core Values

“Values are like fingerprints, nobody’s are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do.” – Elvis Presley

Knowing your values puts the power and responsibility back into your hands and reinforces your core beliefs.

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Grow & Evolve

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth”-J.F. Kennedy

A fixed mindset: every challenge is just an opportunity to fail. A growth mindset: turns challenges into opportunities. Let me show you how to harness a growth mindset so you may flourish.


“Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. The goal of resilience is to thrive” ~Jamais Cascio

COVID19 has taught us all to expect the unexpected, so now more than ever we could all do with a booster shot of Resilience.


“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything” ~Leonardo Davinci

Each moment in our life is the result of previous infinite moments that leads to each future moment. Find out how your inner- child might be holding you back from happiness.

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Number Don't Lie

Numbers Don’t Lie


Live's Positively Impacted


Years Of Experience


Government Organization Services


Empowerment Workshops

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About Me

We are

Why Choose Life-Coaching With

By way of background, Juanita has many years of experience working in people-centric environments including Government Organizations within the Australian Corrective Services, State Police and Parole Boards working with minors, adolescents and the elderly where she has coalesced therapy with formal protocol to deliver life-changing outcomes.

Juanita’s corpus of work sees her harness a broad range of experience across a diverse industry-base to engage with clients in a non-judgmental and compassionate manner to the many avoidable conditions and blind-spots in life which become evident after life-changing events.

Contact Juanita for sustainable life-skills which will set you up for success!

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Be Limitless


You have all the resources already within you to achieve your goals! I use NLP Techniques to focus on and help you understand yourself; empowering you to develop personal responsibility, confidence and self-esteem to set and achieve your goals.


Once you set your goal/s, my main mission is to motivate and inspire you to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself by using future focused and solution orientated techniques to find solutions for any barriers to change and then helping you create your desired future.


We will challenge your current perspective by asking important questions to help you create new choices and possibilities for yourself. This helps ensure you set a strategic, effective and focused pathway towards your goals.


I will keep in contact and make sure you hold yourself accountable by empowering you and reminding you to believe in yourself, develop personal responsibility, confidence and self-esteem. With my constant encouragement and helpful reminders, You can and will reach your goals.

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Happy Clients


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Get A Consultation

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

~ Martin Luther King ~

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